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自由式滑雪-入门视频(pop, side hit, jump)

热度 3已有 892 次阅读2013-11-21 07:48 | 滑雪

新派自由式滑雪在全球范围内逐渐被越来越多的雪友接受,中国也不例外,几年前开始南山滑雪场做为中国新派自由式滑雪发源地,在南山卢总精心打造下,各种道具,练习台,跳台逐步丰富与完善,卢总作为中国大众滑雪界时尚滑雪技术引领者和倡导者为推广自由式滑雪做出了杰出的贡献,培养出众多的自由式Pro, 推广自由式滑雪的俱乐部随之也越来越多,提供自由式滑雪环境的雪场也逐年增加,雪友们学习自由式滑雪的条件也越来越好!将这一切称之为中国雪友的福音应该不过分!

与传统的道内滑法相比,自由式滑雪动作自由奔放,从早期自由式滑雪来看很多技巧都是即兴而生,除了一些最基本的技巧之外,更多的style不需要固定的模式来约束,给滑雪者更多自由发挥的空间, the sky is the limit! 这可能也是为什么新派自由式从上个世纪90年代中期开始,在美国一诞生就迅速在全球范围内普及开来的一个原因吧。

我本人最初对自由式滑雪有过错误的认识,曾认为自由式滑雪已经被拉展为极限滑雪,并不适合大众雪友,但是看了好多雪友从零开始经过几年的练习,现在跳,跐, 翻, 转等做的都很范儿,通过阅读与观看国外的各种自由式滑雪的文字与视频教程彻底改变了我过去的看法。只要有优秀负责任的老师引导,循序渐进的学习,其实我们都可以尝试的,道内滑法和自由式滑雪并不相互矛盾,而是相辅相成的技术;滑雪技术虽然分各种流派,但是核心的基础都是一致的。如果你想飞,想跳,首先还是先要把平地的功夫练好,这样会更安全,晋级也会快一些。


滑雪有风险,上山需谨慎,雷锋处处在,择师要看准人! 自学虽然可以成才,有师傅引领更安全更有范儿:-)


This is ski addiction dot com, riding with Dave Weale and Card Forin. Straight air is one of the most important skills you have to have for park skiing. Once you master the straight air, the all the tricks will be much easier. In this Vid, we’ll cover Popping, Ollieing, and hitting your first jump


The first and most import skill you are going to learn is popping. Popping is actively jumping as you go up and jump onto a rip. Popping keep in balance and in control of your air. Try some popping on the ground without your skis on, see what it feels like in ski boots. It’s easy to jump in shoes. With ski boots on, it will be a little different. Body position is key when popping. You have to make sure you flex your ankles, your knees, and hips all together so you can pop straight up evenly. To make sure that your ankles are flexing, really push on the front of your boots, and try to pop up on your toes. Try the same thing with skis on, if you lean too far back or forward, your tips or tails will stay on the ground. Keep trying this till you get your skis coming up in parallel to the ground.

Make sure your skis come off the ground evenly. Try this while moving slowly. Challenge yourself by adding something to pop over. Start by drawing a line in the snow with your foot or ski pole, and practice popping over it.

Try this again with ski pole or bamboo pole, branch or whatever else you can find, A skip pole works right because you’ve always got one close by. Do the same thing as you did with a line in the snow, but now pop over the ski pole


This will help  you time down when you need to pop up and jump, it’s easy to tell your time off coz if you are too early, you land on the pole, if you are too late, you will hit the way out



Another way to jump is by ollies.  Ollies is similar to popping except you start by leaning back to bend your skis, and pop from your tails using the flex of your skis to pop you up instead of just your legs.

It’s little tricky to figure it out first, once you get used to it, it’s a great way to get extra height from jumping over random stuff on the hill. Sometimes for getting onto rip

With Ollies, you use the same steps you did with popping. Start by standing still with your skis on, lean back and put all your weight on the tails of your skis, until you feel your skis flex underneath you, and our feet come up after that. Pop up on your tails using the flex of your skis to get extra height.

It's a weird feeling at first, but as you practice it will become really fun.


Side hits

You find it anywhere two trails merge around the side of most runs. Basically, it’s a little jump as you go across the hill. Make sure the jump isn’t kicky in a quiet place where there are not too many hot Doggers flying all around and get in your way.

Approach the side hit just like you are coming into the ski pole, make sure to pop just when you come off the rip which ensures you to get the most air possible.


Popping off and jump is pretty much the same as popping up on the side hit. The main difference is with the jump you have to get the speed right so that you can make to the landing. If you go too slow, you land on the flat part of the jumping deck. Too fast and you go too far and miss the whole landing. Either way, not very much fun! Other than that it's the same as popping up on the side hits.

Find a small jump to try first, something between 5 and 15 feet, look for a jump with mellow take-off. Hanging out and watch out a few other people hit it first to see how much speed they need to clear. Try to find out the spot where you can drop in, from there you go straight to clear jump.

When you are approaching, be in an athletic stance, with your ankle, knees, and hips all bent. Make sure you pop right at the rip of the jump, just like one popping up on the side hit. When you land, try to bend your ankles, knees, and hips equally again to absorb the landing.



Popping is probably one of the most important skills you learn in park skiing. It will make learning everything else way easier. Start with small and side hit, and then step up to park jump, if you feel comfortable. Once you are comfortable in hitting a jump. It’s time to try shifty and grab and add some style series

This is Dave weale and Card Forin skiadditction.com







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