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分享 DIN 新认识
2013-12-18 06:59
niuyishuai  麦莎 DIN 值不是瞎调的,单单看那个表和网站的参考是不管用的。因为时间长了,固定器会产生误差。 你是老手,以你的经验去调DIN也是容易扯到蛋的! 最近看了一个视频。 出租板每年或者每次出租都对对固定值进行检查,因为他们要对安全负责,这就是为什么 网购的商店 会做免责声明! 他们 ...
188 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 How To Mount Ski Bindings
2013-12-17 11:32
Mounting Ski Bindings.... It's pretty easy when you do it everyday and you have the proper tools to do so. Mounting your bindings properly is very important. If you've noticed when you pick your skis up after an adjust or mount; the tech or shop kid always goes over the bindings with yo ...
175 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1